Charity Registration No. 206002 Combat Stress is the leading charity specialising in the care of British Veterans who have been profoundly traumatised by harrowing experiences during their Service career.  

Monday, 2 May 2011

Day Twenty-Two - Military Hardware

Here I sit amongst the mega agribusiness that is Lincolnshire, just off a green lane. Have just met one of the neighbours, Sophie Ramsden - very friendly and is coming back with her biker hubby to make a donation. It's been a friendly people day. First I stopped near the Humber to ask for some
water, at Sunk Island, that well known spot. Before I knew it, I was in the kitchen drinking coffee and meeting family and friends. So cheers chaps, I stupidly didn't get your names or leave a card. Durr.

Four miles later, I can see a large military plane behind a wall, the wall of Fort Paull. I'm in before I know it, and it's a massive military re-enactment weekend, brilliant! There were Brits, Yanks, Germans, Russians - and the gear they had! Before I knew it, I was getting acquainted with a mug of tea, a bacon sarnie and a russian Mosin Nagant sniper rifle. Cheers lads, you were brilliant, and to have your very own Joe Stalin just took the biscuit! I dragged myself away very reluctantly...

I had a slog through Humberside, all refineries and heavy industry. Then on over the Humber Bridge, bloody £1.20 for a bike, I ask you! And on into Lincolnshire. I tell you, we aren't going to starve for a bit, these guys are very very serious about growing veg and no mistake. I had the choice of slogging on to Hunstanton to the youth hostel, about fifty miles, or seeing what I could find, and I found my second and third green lane of the day. I was set up in the lee of a thorn hedge like a rat up a drainpipe, although there is an Arctic northeasterly blowing up me trousers, ooerr missus.
Supper beckons, tara for now.

Photos from day 22.

1 comment:

  1. radio silence? what's been happening on the east coast?
