Charity Registration No. 206002 Combat Stress is the leading charity specialising in the care of British Veterans who have been profoundly traumatised by harrowing experiences during their Service career.  

Monday, 2 May 2011

Day Twenty-One - Takes One to Know One

It couldn't last forever, what with the lovely people and scenery and whatnot. There's still lots of nice bits, just that seeing some really 'orrible bits and some 'orrible people strikes a bit of a contrast, what?

Have done about 160 miles, arriving near Bridlington in Yorkshire. I dropped in at a farm campsite late afternoon, and was virtually accused of fraud by the owners, as I couldn't provide a letter from Combat Stress! A more miserable, mean spirited pair I haven't met on this trip, I was properly raging as I left. What, me, the Earl of Walkhampton, raging? How could that be?

It's going to be another cold one tonight, like last - so much dew my sleeping bag was soaked this morning. Last night, though, I met Kathy Tailforth, whose photo you can see. She has ridden her 125 Suzuki from John o' thingy to Land's End and back, to get in some practice for her bike test! Go girl, that's the spirit! Quite mad, but in a really charming way. Think warm thoughts for me...

Photos from day 21.

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