Mike Woolley has spent significant chunks of his life travelling by motorcycle, whether it be desert rallying in the Sahara, competing in central Europe or ridng round Turkey for the hell of it. He's a fifty something arborist (trees to you) living in Devon, and is always looking for a challenge.
Combat Stress is a charity which has lead the field in providing mental health care to ex-military personnel since the end of the First World War. Their help is in huge demand and they need to provide a nationwide series of outreach centres to match the need for quality healthcare. In order to achieve this goal they need to raise £30m.
Never one to do things by halves, Mike is going to ride around the entire coastline of mainland Britain, using only the closest legal roads to the sea. Although this journey appears to be unprecedented, the distance is estimated to be around 5000 miles. During the estimated 2 months it will take to complete this adventure, Mike will be making regular postings on his blog, taking you on a tour of our island and giving you a snapshot of life on the edge of our pleasant land.